Tuesday, January 10, 2023

what is a longtail keyword?

What is a Longtail Keyword?

Longtail keywords are an important part of any search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. These are particular words and phrases that customers use to search for specific products or services, allowing businesses to generate targeted traffic to their website. An understanding of how to effectively use longtail keywords can provide significant value in terms of website visibility, targeting the right audience and improving search engine rankings.

Let's look at how longtail keywords work…. All search terms are known as 'keywords' and they vary in length from one to several words or phrases. Longtail keywords are longer than a single word; they range from three to five words or more and focus on more specific searches with lower average monthly search volumes than broader keywords. For example, a single-word keyword could be 'sports' whereas a longtail keyword would be 'which sports shoe is best for running.'

So why should businesses focus on using longtail keywords? It allows them to target specific audiences who might not have been reached by broader keyword searches. This means potential customers are more likely to convert once they land on the website as it already includes what they were searching for. Also, it is much easier to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) due to less competition with shorter tail keywords meaning improved visibility online and potentially more organic traffic too.

Longtail keywords also allow businesses the opportunity to test new content ideas quickly, usually less than 48 hours depending on the competitiveness of their industry. This makes them ideal for analyzing user behavior for new webpages that have just gone live, without incurring unnecessary additional SEO costs by focusing on single-word topics that may not even generate relevant traffic for weeks or months afterwards. Additionally, since these longer-form phrases tend to make up around 70% of online searches it is easy for marketers to incorporate them into blog posts, PPC campaigns and other content strategies in order to reach previously unaddressed audiences.#

Overall, longtail keywords provide an essential tool when looking at an SEO strategy but need careful thought due to its potential impact on ranking in SERPs and click-through rate (CTR). With the right combination of selecting longer phrases that accurately match customer searches along with other strategies such as high quality backlinks marketers can make judicious use of this tool

See more about generate longtail keyword

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